الأحد، 17 يناير 2010

Free Online Spelling Test Program


while surfing on the net i found this program

Free Online Spelling Test Program

it helps students to practice their spelling words
i share it with the english teacher in my school
we show students how to use it, they had learn and fun at the same time

i even use it with my kids at home..


hi ..

Kidzania is a great experience for you child..
 kids play to be adults,they can
perform more than 70 professions and careers
Fantastic ..

first time i heared about it in this show 
برنامج خواطر
لأحمد الشقيري

here is a link to the show

that is in Tokyo
and today it is in Dubai
in Dubai Mall
go there and register your child

Editing Photos

I enjoy editing photos  using photoshop,but
i found many websites that allowes you to make fast and funny effects
to your photos
i choose this one for you..
you can see also many choices to print it


Hi and Welcome to my blog
hope u enjoy reading my topics

@No specific category@
@My topics are what come to my mind@

@it's not all about IT @

I like to design in photoshop
I will share with you some of my works for
my school soon